Forums - MvsC2: Who has the best projectile assist Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Forums ( - Strategy & Tactics ( -- MvsC2: Who has the best projectile assist ( Posted by The Shoto King on 10:16:2001 12:51 AM: MvsC2: Who has the best projectile assist I just want to know who the best projectile is because I want a knew projectile in my team. thanks a lot Posted by NASLECTRO on 10:16:2001 12:58 AM: Re: MvsC2: Who has the best projectile assist Storm does. The typhoon goes through almost everything once it's out. The only thing wrong with this is that Storm has to spin around and yell "AH!" after everything, so she takes forever to leave the screen. If you call her out from a distance against characters like Cable and Sentinel, you're basically asking them to punish her. Posted by TimeFlip on 10:16:2001 01:05 AM: IceMan also has a good assist too; it's faster than Storm's since it is a beam, and it beats Doom's rocks. And Sent's, although not a true projectile, does good damage and sets up good combos, as well as offers a VCxxHSF. Posted by GeekBoy on 10:16:2001 01:18 AM: Storm Posted by Roo_Matthew on 10:16:2001 01:27 AM: Storm.......Magneto.......Iron Man.......And........Roll!!!!! What?!?!?!?! Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:16:2001 01:28 AM: Sent Posted by Jakuda on 10:16:2001 01:36 AM: Spiral's is purty gooooood. Posted by Razor on 10:16:2001 02:00 AM: Ironman, Iceman. Posted by pulsr on 10:16:2001 02:07 AM: well it depends on wha tiers really if you ask me like top tiers, storm/icemans.... too good heck if ur not using doom on antiair his variety is pretty amusing... dodge that ;p warmachines prettty good, if u consider blackhearts dark thunder projectile that things is pretty good too Posted by llllllllll on 10:16:2001 02:12 AM: MvsC2: Who has the best projectile assist pends really on your game. all of the projectiles listed are amazing, although, you guys forgot about tron's glitched assists and that irritating laugh she does, d;p~. anti-air over projectile any day! ciao and game 0n! Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:16:2001 02:21 AM: Here's why Sent's is the best. 1. Sent sends 3 drones, making it difficult to negate all of them. 2. Although Storms (the second best proj assist, IMO) goes through everything, she sometimes gets hit before they come out. On the other hand, Sent has armor, so hitting him won't halt the drones (sometimes). 3. Sent's can be used as a ghetto anti-air! 4. Sent's Drones hold the opponent long in hit stun. 5. The darn things even juggle!!! Posted by Guile2001 on 10:16:2001 03:31 AM: You guy's forgot about Dan's. It's the best! Posted by ytwojay on 10:16:2001 03:56 AM: spiral: if u want chip tron: if u wanna do damage sent: if you want cover (because it starts the highest) storm: if you want a solid projectile that wont be, for lack of a better word at the moment, negated. Posted by MJG on 10:16:2001 04:15 AM: quote: Originally posted by REALPLAYER Here's why Sent's is the best. 1. Sent sends 3 drones, making it difficult to negate all of them. 2. Although Storms (the second best proj assist, IMO) goes through everything, she sometimes gets hit before they come out. On the other hand, Sent has armor, so hitting him won't halt the drones (sometimes). 3. Sent's can be used as a ghetto anti-air! 4. Sent's Drones hold the opponent long in hit stun. 5. The darn things even juggle!!! You're talking about Sent's ground assist if you're referring to the drones. My personal vote goes to Tron, though Iceman get honorable mention. Posted by BlackShinobi on 10:16:2001 04:43 AM: 1. Tron (not really a projectile, but is is a projectile type assist) 2. Storm 3. Iceman 4. Sentinel 5. Spiral 6. Iron Man War Machine, Gambit, Mega man/Roll and charlie/Gulie also have good ones Posted by taiji on 10:16:2001 05:49 AM: Magneto, Storm, Ironman, Cyclops, imo have great proj. assists Posted by Razor on 10:16:2001 06:15 AM: Yeah man, sentinel's projectile is a fucking rocket punch. Posted by rocketpunch on 10:16:2001 02:14 PM: storm and Dr. Doom Posted by REALPLAYER on 10:16:2001 08:38 PM: quote: Originally posted by MJG You're talking about Sent's ground assist if you're referring to the drones. My personal vote goes to Tron, though Iceman get honorable mention. By projectile I mean an assist that travels across the screen, not what the idiots at Capcom THINK a projectile is, like Tronne! Posted by Shin Kalabow on 10:16:2001 10:26 PM: No projectile compares to the awsome power of megaman's buster shot or any other of his projectile type thingy's (tornado hold, leaf shield, or rock ball Posted by Gandido on 10:16:2001 10:37 PM: Sent's ground Kobun's proj (it knocks down) Storm and.......none other Posted by MJG on 10:17:2001 01:42 AM: quote: Originally posted by Gandido Sent's ground Kobun's proj (it knocks down) Storm and.......none other Sent's *Ground* isn't a projecticle. Also, if Tron isn't counted then I pick Iceman. Posted by jballa1 on 10:17:2001 01:47 AM: i like storms projectile also bisons field but its variety Posted by Bruce_Deluxe on 10:17:2001 02:17 AM: Tron Bonne Kills and is easily backed up. Posted by smokincheva on 10:17:2001 06:30 AM: Iceman all the way Posted by myleftshoe on 10:17:2001 07:26 PM: Iceman. Chips good, goes through doom, and has a pretty good solo game. And then Sentinel's a pimp, can't go wrong there. Unless he's already on the team. Or both together for massive chip! Posted by dc_guru on 10:17:2001 09:11 PM: #1 Sent's drones #2 storm's typhoon (horizontle) #3 BH's dark thunder IMO at least. Posted by j_miscavish on 10:17:2001 10:24 PM: spiral for chip damage, sent for zoning, and ironman for a quick assist Posted by gunjack_fever on 10:18:2001 01:44 AM: doom and sentinal All times are GMT. The time now is 10:13 PM. Show all 29 posts from this thread on one page Powered by: vBulletin Version 2.2.4 Copyright © Jelsoft Enterprises Limited 2000, 2001.